Monday, April 11, 2011

Sprocket Assembly

We were given a team project that required me along with a partner to model and assemble the parts of a sprocket assembly, the following are images of the result.

Descriptive Geometry

Discriptive geometry is a way of manipulating picture planes in order to identify:
  • True Size
  • True Shape
  • True Length
  • True Angle
  • Intersestion Points
  • Distances
True Length Lines
  • If a line is parallel to a fold line in one view, it is true length in the next view.

Point View

  • Must first have true length line
  • Fold line must be perpindicular to the true length line
The Add-A-Line Method
The addaline method is a faster method due to the fact that it allows you to skip drawing a view that you would usually have to draw in order to find a true length line.